Thursday 11 May 2017

A Compendium of posts from my JustGiving Page

Early on

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Still planning but will be setting off mid May. Have the book by Phil Horsley as a guide but any other ideas welcome.

Just received my first donation from Professor Modood. He is of course a keen cyclist himself. Carrying on with thinking and preparation.

The plan is to send Photos etcetera once I get going to this page but I may also use my rather moribund blogspot depending a bit on how the technology works (and whether I have power wi fi etcetera. I am sure some people will wish to wait until I have completed before donating and of course either way is fine by me. 4 months ago Wow a contribution from Andy Babington Tutor Extraordinaire and a man whose physical feats make cycling a thousand miles look like a walk in the park!
Thanks to Kay and Dave for their generous donation just when things were going a bit quiet. i have a general route in my head but aim to do some more detailed planning. Already have one person planning to accompany me some of the way and other are of course welcome - but i may be a bit slow with all the gear i am carrying!
No new donations for 10 days now - but hoping there will be a bit more interest nearer the date. I  have decided the broad outline of the route   (going for the West  of Scotland before traversing the Great Glen). I am planning to provide more background, information and pictures on my blogspot. 
4 months ago
Hello - no new donations but a contact from Amnesty who have offered  a cycle jersey (I am going for medium) and a link to a video , (I think you will need to copy and paste).
I am feeling impressed and humbled by the generosity of friends. Jane I think I know who you are and Anonymous 2 - I know you thanks and Anonymous 1. This is the first time I have done any fund-raising so, as I say, people's generosity in these times of "austerity" is so encouraging.
All these donations - add some reality to the trip. I was committed to it before, but now I am motivated to do more active planning and I will share it on this page. Things like the bike - built from the frame up. The planning, the route and so on.
Just had a donation from Harry - what a star! Well they say ask a busy person but it is inspiring when you know just how busy he is.
Have now completed email contacts- sorry if you have been contacted more than once.
Three Months Ago Wow thanks Glenys. I am still not quite used to the generosity of friends in 2017. After 10 years of austerity people are still digging deep and literally putting their money where their mouth is. I have been doing some "training" running with the dogs and even some fartlek (Sweden's gift to running) which is less unpleasant than it sounds. My normal training approach to cycling tours is not to do any but this one being rather public, makes me feel that I have to at least appear prepared. Later this month I plan to rebuild the tour bike. Second opinion on kidney stones was that the symptoms didn't add up. Further investigations but I am assuming it was "one of life's little mysteries" so will get back in the saddle. Thanks to Johnnie Dellow (who could do the trip in half the time!). "Training" temporarily halted by kidney stones so need to find out what procedures are for that. Getting some training in jogging with the dogs (sub zero today!) here's a dilemma Amnesty has sent me an XL cycling jersey rather than the M I requested. Do I ask for a replacement or wear it as a jacket?
Two Months ago
Tracy - that's fantastic  am not sure how land's end to John O groats compares with cycling across Iowa more traffic and worse weather I would imagine. Hope all is well on your side of the pond and you are not missing keeping SPR in order too much
Thanks Sue and Roger your humanitarian efforts dwarf my little cycle jaunt so it is great to get some encouragement from you both
One Month ago Three more brilliant donations from Liz who I have known from being a toddler Robert and Sarah who are fearless pursuers of mountains and Teresa who will somehow be in John O' Groats around the same time. Doing a bit of running and cycling now the weather is warmer. and planning to "de-click" the LEJOG bike. No word from the Glasgow man who made the frame, I guess he's busy.
23 Days ago
Thanks to Anonymous - almost 25% there!

22 days ago

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A ride or a run every day is my target (mainly reached). in the past I have taken the view that for a long trip the early days can be the training - but one needs to be aware that losing fitness takes place very rapidly when you are on the wrong side of 60. Riding in the UK will require more clothing and bedding and thus carrying more weight. Planning to research the route in more detail looking for campsites and possibly B&Bs and hostels.
8 days ago Promises from Bruce W, Lynne A and to "think about it" from Bill S. I think this means I need to present evidence of a trip done.Installed two new (second hand) tyres today and transferred my most comfortable saddle. Now sorting out wash bag etc. Need to be ready for the train trip to Penzance.
7 days ago
Ok I spent some of today getting my front derailleur to work. It worked on the stand and then not on the road - at one point only giving me one ring! (I have three) Now all seems to be working. I can fix things on the road but good to have things working for the start.
Yes Derailleur a bit of a mouthful legend has it that Eric Clapton mispronounced it Disraeli leading to the eponymous Cream album.
Well I feel a little humbled £100 in one donation - that is a lot and anonymous. It is hard to know who to thank but if you read this you will know who you are and thank you very much.
Brilliant donation from Ralph - thanks so much
6 days ago
Amazing donation from Ben Cooper of Ben Kinetics who built the frame. With political turmoil all around people are supporting Amnesty isn't that great
5 days ago
Brilliant thanks Nick!
2 days ago
Thanks to two more supporters Caroline and someone anonymous. I have the tickets for 17th May to Penzance and have cut and glued a fairly thin strip of map (100gms) that follows what might be called the West route up through the Welsh Marches the Lake District Dumfries and Galloway Arran Oban the Caledonian Canal up to John O'groats and then I hope Orkney.
hey that's brilliant another anonymous donation and the first in Euros!
One day ago
As I was saying I think some donors have experienced difficulties in their lives and  feel OK about the generous gesture. Some people tell me they have their own charities - my feeling is that this situation is about being spontaneous rather than judging oneself as virtuous or otherwise.
Anyway i will soon be on the road and try to update with words and pictures as I go along.
Busy preparing the bike and the GoPro practice footage quite hard to install when you have a tank bag - in the end installed on top of the tank bag. Carradice has supplied some bits and pieces of pannier equipment, which is very generous of them.
Over 900 messages sent on Linked has yielded a relatively small number of donations. I realise that fund-raising is a bit like this but I find myself running out of new ideas at this stage.
Some people are remarkably generous and I think that that is because they have experienced difficulties in their own lives tbc.
Thanks so much Susan.
Another day mainly spent doing other things - but I found my warm sleeping bag and a liner and various potions that claim to ward off mosquitoes ....we'll see.
I discovered the super luxury three layer bubble wrap sleeping mat only fractionally heavier than the two layer version so that's coming.

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